Lasergene 17.2 — What’s new in SeqMan Ultra?
We invite you to join us at 11:00 CST on December 9th for a live demo of SeqMan Ultra’s new features and updates in the Lasergene 17.2 release.
In this webinar, DNASTAR Senior Product Manager Matt Keyser will demonstrate how to:
- Perform Sanger assembly right in SeqMan Ultra using a four-step process.
- Search individual sequences or all sequences in your assembly by coverage, name, or specific bases.
- Apply the new Majority Consensus track, Reference track and separate Ruler tracks for the reference and consensus.
- Easily export an image of your assembly for collaboration or publication in PDF, Bitmap, or PPT format.
We will also have a Q&A discussion at the end of the live demo.
This webinar will be hosted by DNASTAR Senior Content Developer Sharon Page.
This event has passed.