Did you know that DNASTAR software is trusted by over 1200 colleges and universities around the world? Since our founding in 1984, DNASTAR has been committed to providing high quality molecular biology and sequence analysis software to life scientists at all stages of their research careers. That’s why we’ve partnered with many universities to provide standalone, network and site licenses of Lasergene to their faculty and students.
See what university professors and researchers say about DNASTAR software
We’ve featured many researchers on this blog who are using DNASTAR software for molecular biology, genomics and protein research. Below is a sampling of some of their stories.

Lynda Coughlan, PhD
Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (NYC)
“I have been using DNASTAR Lasergene for about eight years now. We find the software easy to use. I particularly like the plasmid auto-annotation feature in SeqBuilder Pro, which helps quickly identify common regions when we receive plasmid construct maps from other labs. We also love the ability to align multiple sequence reads while viewing the nucleotide and amino acid sequence, annotated regions on the backbone template and the chromatogram display at the same time.”

Maysz Azzeh, PhD
Associate Professor and Course Director for Microbiology
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (NYC)
“Since 2011, our research has centered on the viral genetics of viruses circulating among Palestinians. Lasergene has remained our primary analysis tool. I briefly tried other options but stayed with DNASTAR because we found it more user-friendly than the alternatives.”

Petar Grozdanov, PhD
Senior Research Associate
Department of Cell Biology and Biochemistry
Texas Tech University School of Medicine
“DNASTAR offers a user-friendly interface, relative short time of data processing for RNA-seq data sets…and customizable gene list searches. I have been using DNASTAR software packages since the beginning of my scientific carrier. Definitely, the best part of the DNASTAR applications is how user-friendly they are. DNASTAR support team is always available with specific answers to all of my questions.”
Xiao-Ning Zhang, PhD
Professor of Biology
St. Bonaventure University
“I’m focused on tools that are undergraduate friendly. The DNASTAR cloning suite is definitely one of those examples, as is Protean 3D. For undergrads to visualize proteins is very hard, but Protean 3D is just fantastic. It’s very easy to use and they can see the results right away, rotate and change things on their own. I don’t have to teach them much. And they have fun—that’s the most important. I think because of that, some of my students get so interested in proteins that when they go to grad school or med school, they decide to follow up and keep working on proteins.”

Robab Katani, PhD
Assistant Research Professor of Global Health
PennState Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
“I would say I probably use every aspect of Lasergene. The technical support has been extremely useful and helpful. Every time I call, there’s somebody that can walk me through every step. It’s been a great experience, a wonderful experience. I think I’ve worked with DNASTAR for close to 8 years now. The whole group of us at Penn State are supporters of DNASTAR.”
Meet some DNASTAR site-license holders
Most academic institutes we serve have people in many different labs who all need access to Lasergene. For these organizations, a site license provides everyone with flexible, universal access to Lasergene software. Below, meet some of the researchers who are benefitting from a multi-lab or department-wide Lasergene site license.

Keith Brunt, PhD
Associate Professor
Dalhousie University Department of Pharmacology
“The more time we spent using (Lasergene) software and the more we learned about its capabilities, the more impressed we were with it.”

University of Giessen (Germany)
“We are impressed by the wide range of capabilities supported in DNASTAR genomics software. Many of our scientists have been transitioning from traditional Sanger sequencing to next-generation sequencing technologies. With Lasergene, our scientists, staff and students can use a consistent software platform for all of their sequence assembly and analysis projects.”

Jeff Weiss, PhD
Research Professor of Medicine and Director for Research Core Planning
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
“As long-term Lasergene users, we have had great success using DNASTAR software within…labs at Northwestern University.”

Adam Karpf, PhD
Professor, Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases
University of Nebraska Medical Center
“Many of our researchers have used Lasergene for years and been extremely satisfied with it. DNASTAR made us an attractive offer to provide access to their software to all of our scientists, staff and students…This arrangement will help support our success and growth for years to come.”
Sharing Lasergene love with a university on the other side of the globe
Read about DNASTAR Sales Manager Brian Anderson’s trip to speak at Addis Ababa University. In addition to celebrating the founding of their Biotechnology Center, Brian was also thrilled to meet the former president of Ethiopia.

Educational Licenses for Professors
Are you a professor? Would you like to prepare your students for a research career using modern, real-world software? DNASTAR offers free educational licenses for professors who use Lasergene in their molecular biology curriculum.
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