DNASTAR software is trusted by over 80,000 researchers in academia, government, and industry. Learn why so many people turn to DNASTAR for their sequence and structure analysis needs.
Effective and Accurate
Since our founding in 1984, DNASTAR has been committed to providing bioinformatics software that is driven by accuracy. The algorithms behind some of our software applications have won major international awards, including the I-TASSER algorithm used in NovaFold.

Babraham Institute
“Many of our scientists have used Lasergene sequence analysis software for several years and been extremely satisfied with it. We believe it will help advance our research to have all of our scientists use consistent, effective software tools. That is why we decided to standardize our sequence analysis software with Lasergene.”

Dr. Sheldon Garrison
Director, Pediatric and Rare Diseases
Promentis Pharmaceuticals (USA)
“Particularly when working on physiological and pharmacology experiments, we need to have a high degree of confidence in our molecular work. The Lasergene software gives that to us, especially with gene sequence and protein analysis.”

Alebachew Messele
Institute of Biotechnology and Aklilu Lemma Institute of Pathobiology
Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia)
“Protean 3D is innovative. It allows me answer questions that were not explored previously, and the in-silico accuracy of results are second to none as determined by comparing with in-vitro techniques.”
Flexible and Easy to Use
It doesn’t matter how accurate a software application is if you’re afraid to use it. Though DNASTAR software is extremely feature-rich, we strive to make it intuitive enough to learn quickly and easy enough to use every day.

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
“The Sanger Institute is one of the world’s leading genomics organizations and we have a real need for sequence analysis software that performs. Our researchers need access to a common set of tools that help them to share data: that is part of our Institute ethos. The solution for our analysis must be flexible and able to respond to changing demands.”

John Timmer, PhD
Research Director
Inhibrx (USA)
“We have found the software to be easy to use and powerful, and DNASTAR’s technical support has been very responsive and on point.”

Matthew Nilles, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Sciences
University of North Dakota (USA)
“Easy-to-use, intuitive interface, makes working with sequences easy.”
World-Class Customer Support
Any DNASTAR user with a current license has access to our Wisconsin-based support team, almost half of whom have PhDs. If you have a question about the software or need help learning a new workflow, a live staffer is available to help by phone, email, or live private webinar.

Julia Jones, PhD
Institute for Bee Research
Hohen Neuendorf (Netherlands)
“(DNASTAR) helped us develop a customized workflow to efficiently control for sequence quality and to detect and analyze SNPs. My experience in working together with…DNASTAR far exceeded my expectations. Thomas and Carl-Erik became highly valued collaborators and were always able to find time to work with me throughout the analysis phase of this project. With their aid, we were able to overcome the challenges presented by this unique sequencing dataset.”
Brenda Oppert, PhD
USDA ARS Center for Grain and Animal Health Research
“We find that the customer support is unparalleled and has been critical in designing workflows and working within our existing computer infrastructure. The technical support is instrumental to our success in analyzing transcriptome and genomic data.”

Lynda Coughlan, PhD
Assistant Professor of Microbiology
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (USA)
When “the COVID-19 pandemic hit New York city hard in March/April 2020, the DNASTAR team was fantastic in setting up portable licenses for my staff to work remotely.”
Sharing Lasergene love around the world
Read about DNASTAR Sales Manager Brian Anderson’s trip to speak at Addis Ababa University upon the founding of their Biotechnology Center, where he also met the former president of Ethiopia.

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