Date: 10/10/19, updated 2/5/20
Version Affected: All
Version Fixed: Varies by application
Issue: On 10/7/19, Apple ended all support for 32-bit applications with the release of macOS 10.15 (Catalina). As a result, the three 32-bit Lasergene applications, SeqMan Pro, GeneQuest, and GenVision Utility, will not run on macOS 10.15.
Users of macOS 10.13.4 to 10.14 may receive a warning message from Apple when first opening a 32-bit Lasergene application. This message can safely be ignored.
Resolution: With the release of Lasergene 17.0 in February 2020, most DNASTAR applications are now fully 64-bit compliant. Lasergene 17.0 includes a 64-bit replacement for SeqMan Pro called SeqMan Ultra. As well as continuing to provide SeqMan Pro as a legacy application, we are working to update our remaining 32-bit applications–GeneQuest, and GenVision Utility–to 64-bit compliance in a future release.
Recommendations: Mac users who do not use GeneQuest or GenVision Utility can now safely update to macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and Lasergene 17.0. These users can use the newly-launched application, SeqMan Ultra, but not the legacy application it replaced, SeqMan Pro. Mac users who do still need access to GeneQuest or GenVision Utility should postpone updating until DNASTAR announces that the two remaining applications have become compliant, likely later in 2020.
For further information, please contact DNASTAR at 866-511-5090 or [email protected].
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